The Earlybird Catches The...Tree

Our trees make you happy!

Our trees make you happy!

It’s been a long ol’ year and Christmas is on the horizon! We are happy to say that after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing with our courier we are finally able to take online orders. Unfortunately this year our courier has upped their prices by 10% and added more surcharges. As we know that things have been a bit tough recently we have decided to keep our prices the same as last year and we are going to soak up the extra cost, rather than pass it on to you guys.

We also want to treat you guys and so for the next week we are offering a 5% discount on any order using the code EARLYBIRD at checkout.

Thanks again for your continued support. It really means a lot to us as a small family business.

Sniffing out the Best Trees

We have been hard at work getting all our trees ready for Christmas. We want them looking their best for when they arrive on your doorstep. Fiddy, our CCT dog has been checking on each of them personally, sniffing out the best trees…he’s a perfectionist afterall.

A Very Happy Customer

Check out one of our trees that was ordered online. Our customer had some rather lovey things to say about it so thought we would share it with you...

I am SO pleased with my tree. It is simply divine. I was feeling ill all morning and when the tree arrived i perked right up! I was worried about ordering online as I normally like to pick the tree but I couldn’t have picked a better one myself! Big thanks to Colin...I will make sure he is picking my tree next year too!
— Annie Duffy

Quality Control

Inspecting the noble firs (abies procera) in the late Scottish summer. The noble fir is Character Christmas Trees’ favourite non-drop needle tree… and is also met with the approval of our resident Shetland sheep!